
Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse (CCS) Training Guidelines

Geographies Global


Updated 02 May 2024
cover image of the publication

The Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse resources articulate the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary for CP caseworkers, GBV caseworkers and other relevant service providers working with child survivors of sexual abuse (including non-binary children and adolescents).

The resource package includes these CCS Guidelines (the Guidelines) and the CCS Training (the Training). The Guidelines provide caseworkers and other relevant service providers with guidance on caring for child survivors of sexual abuse in humanitarian settings. The Training brings the content of the Guidelines to life and provides a space to dive deeper into the core knowledge areas, attitudes and skills through discussion and practical exercises. They should be used together – the Training has been designed to provide caseworkers with an opportunity for practical application of key concepts covered in the Guidelines.

The primary target audience for the CCS resources is staff who provide CP and/or GBV case management services in humanitarian settings. Any humanitarian actor with a specialisation in children, gender and health (in particular, clinical management of rape) can also benefit from the CCS resources. Other relevant service providers involved in the care of child survivors of sexual abuse, including health workers, legal actors and mental health professionals, can also benefit.