Case studies, lessons learned, field notes

WASH Results Paper: Economic impact of solar powered water systems in Ethiopia

Geographies Ethiopia

UNICEF Ethiopia

Updated 09 May 2024

UNICEF has invested in solar photovoltaic (PV) systems in Ethiopia to provide reliable water services to off-grid systems, benefiting 1.17 million people, including over 287,000 displaced individuals. The solarization of 38 diesel-dependent water systems is projected to save US$ 101.8 million over 15 years, with a return on investment of US$ 25.8 per dollar invested and a reduction of 40.6 kilo metric tons of CO2 emissions. Despite abundant water resources, Ethiopia faces water scarcity due to factors like droughts, inadequate infrastructure, and a growing population. Only 38% of the population has access to basic drinking water services. Climate change exacerbates water scarcity through altered rainfall patterns and increased drought and flood occurrences, impacting water service delivery and hydropower generation.

UNICEF Ethiopia

Updated 09 May 2024
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