UNICEF’s Engagement in the UN 2023 Water Conference

UNICEF will use its participation in the UN 2023 Water Conference to reinforce its support to the Water Action Agenda. UNICEF has articulated its commitments to WASH in the UNICEF Strategic Plan 2022-2025, with important emphasis on systems strengthening and expanding reach to the most vulnerable children in development and humanitarian settings. We will work even more closely with national governments and partners to integrate WASH and climate change agendas into funding opportunities and programming across 130 countries. We will enhance knowledge and skills of governments and partners by bringing in cutting-edge training opportunities and South-South, North-South learning in critical areas, including climate-resilient WASH, safely managed and inclusive sanitation, water security, and nexus programming. We will continue to provide sector leadership and coordination of our response and preparedness to emergencies and humanitarian crises.