Case studies, lessons learned, field notes

UNICEF India's COVID-19 Response Digest

Geographies India


Updated 07 Dec 2023
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With the arrival of the novel coronavirus, people retreated into their homes, and several nations withdrew into a protracted lockdown that has had cascading effects on people, especially children. People were compelled to adapt to new ways of working and living. At the same time, governments, civil society, and agencies came together to anticipate the needs of the most vulnerable and prepare policies to keep up with the demands of a new order.

In India, the central government announced a relief package of Rs 1.7 trillion to help the poor under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana. UNICEF India spearheaded a multisectoral plan in partnership with the various relevant ministries and WHO, the designated lead agency for the response to COVID-19. The two major goals of the strategy were to minimise the spread and impact of the outbreak and to ensure that essential services were accessible to women and children during the pandemic. 

The proposed action was built on the core commitments for children (CCCs) that form the heart of UNICEF's policy and framework for humanitarian action. Through the coordinated effort, UNICEF worked to highlight facts over fear and provide guidance to governments, partners, parents, caregivers, and educators.


Updated 07 Dec 2023


Updated 07 Dec 2023
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