Case studies, lessons learned, field notes

Field Note: Lessons from SATO Tap Field Trial in Zambia

Geographies Zambia


Updated 09 May 2024

Sato Tap Trial: The document discusses a field trial in Zambia where 15,000 SATO Taps were distributed to promote hand hygiene and reduce disease transmission. The trial aimed to test the market acceptability and effectiveness of the SATO Tap. Positive Feedback: Households found the SATO Tap easy to use, durable, and effective for handwashing. Recommendations included improving water flow and providing a UV-resistant bottle. Market Potential: Most respondents were willing to pay between ZMW 10-40 ($0.50 to $2.00) for the SATO Tap, indicating a potential market in rural areas. WASH Interventions: The document emphasizes the importance of WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) interventions in preventing water-borne diseases and suggests further market assessments for the SATO Tap. It also highlights the need for training and support for local entrepreneurs to market WASH products effectively.


Updated 09 May 2024
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