Case studies, lessons learned, field notes

Breaking the Stereotypes on Menstrual Health and Hygiene in Bolivia

Geographies Latin America and Carribean

UNICEF HQ and Boliva Country Office

Updated 15 Mar 2024
This version of document is as on 15-Mar-24

This Field Note discusses a transformative menstrual health and hygiene (MHH) program in Bolivia, focusing on the inclusion of men, boys, and the community to challenge gender inequalities and reduce stigma around menstruation. It highlights the program’s success in promoting open conversations, fostering empathy, and encouraging shared responsibility for MHH. The program involved educational interventions, a radio show, and the development of Hygiene Plans in schools, benefiting over 7,500 children. The case study emphasizes the importance of community involvement for sustainable change and gender equality in MHH initiatives.

UNICEF HQ and Boliva Country Office

Updated 15 Mar 2024
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