
Buzz Groups


Updated 21 Mar 2024
illustration of the publication

Buzz Groups are a method for quickly and efficiently gathering feedback on a topic or responding to a specific question during a plenary (a session that includes all participants of an event). Without moving from their seats, participants form mini-clusters of two or three people and engage in free discussion – or ‘buzz’ – for a few minutes on a given question. Buzz Groups provide a welcome change of pace for participants, helping to enliven and energize large group meetings and events.

Best used in conferences, workshops and town hall-type meetings, the Fishbowl focuses the entire group’s attention on a discussion among 3 - 6 people. Other persons present become observers, active listeners, and potential participants through a rotation process. The Fishbowl is especially useful as an engaging alternative to PowerPoint presentations, as a way to allow direct conversations with experts, or for discussing controversial issues that people may feel strongly about. Requiring a facilitator, this method is versatile and can be adapted easily.