
Meta presentation: Global Programme to End Child Marriage Phase III Design Workshop

Geographies Global


Updated 27 Feb 2024
front page of the publication

It is a presentation of the Global Programme to End Child Marriage, a joint initiative of UNFPA and UNICEF, covering its achievements, challenges, and priorities for Phase III (2024-2030).

The document is divided into five sections, each corresponding to a day of a workshop held in May 2023. Each section contains several sessions on different topics related to the programme, such as the latest data and trends, gender-transformative approaches, context-specific drivers, quality interventions, and crisis-adaptive programming.

The document highlights the progress made by the programme in reaching millions of girls and communities with prevention and response services, strengthening systems and policies, generating evidence and knowledge, and enhancing partnerships and advocacy. It also acknowledges the gaps and barriers that remain, such as the unequal distribution of benefits, the slow pace of change, the impact of multiple crises, and the underinvestment in child marriage.

The document proposes a vision for Phase III that aims to accelerate the elimination of child marriage by 2030, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. It outlines nine pillars of change for a gender-transformative programme, such as expanding girls’ skills and agency, engaging men and boys, mobilizing communities and social networks, strengthening adolescent girl-responsive systems, and supporting feminist movements and organizations.

The document also presents some examples of good practices and innovations from different countries and regions, such as Bangladesh, India, Niger, Ethiopia, and South Asia. It showcases how the programme has adapted to different contexts and drivers of child marriage, and how it has leveraged opportunities and resources to scale up and institutionalize its interventions. It also shares some recommendations and suggestions from country and regional teams for Phase III.


Updated 27 Feb 2024
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